What’s New in Energy Harvesting Technologies for Low-Power IoT Devices?


As we delve further into the digital age, the need for energy-efficient and sustainable methods to power our growing roster of IoT (Internet of Things) devices continues to rise. Energy harvesting technologies are beginning to play a significant role in meeting this demand, enabling IoT devices to be powered by renewable energy sources that are widely available in their environment. The benefits of such technologies are promising – not only does it reduce the dependency on traditional grid power and finite battery resources, but it also allows IoT devices to be more mobile and adaptable to a variety of applications.

Energy Harvesting: Powering the Future of IoT

Energy harvesting is not a new concept, but its application in powering IoT devices is a relatively recent development. It involves the extraction of small amounts of energy from the device’s environment and converting it into usable electrical power. With the growing prevalence of low-power IoT devices, the challenge lies in finding efficient ways to harvest energy from readily available sources such as light, heat, motion, or even radio frequency signals.

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Ambient Light Harvesting

Ambient light is one of the most abundant sources of energy in our environment. Photovoltaic cells, better known as solar panels, have long been used to convert sunlight into electricity. Today, newer, more efficient technologies are being developed to harness ambient light indoors, where the majority of IoT devices operate.

Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and organic photovoltaics (OPVs) are two such technologies that offer a viable solution for light-powered IoT devices. These cells can be manufactured in a range of colors and transparency levels, making them an aesthetically pleasing option for integration into smart home devices and sensors.

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Thermal Energy Harvesting

Temperature gradients exist practically everywhere – between the human body and the air, between the inside and outside of a refrigerator, and even between a laptop and its surroundings. By employing thermoelectric generators (TEGs), these temperature differences can be converted into a power source for IoT devices.

TEGs are based on the Seebeck effect, wherein a voltage is generated across a conductor when a temperature differential is applied. They are compact, have no moving parts, and can operate over a wide range of temperatures – characteristics that make them suitable for powering IoT sensors and devices in various applications.

Vibration Energy Harvesting

Vibration or kinetic energy is another source that can be tapped into for powering IoT devices. This is particularly useful in industrial and infrastructure settings where machinery and structures often produce mechanical vibrations.

Vibration energy harvesters typically use piezoelectric, electromagnetic, or electrostatic technology to convert mechanical stress or strain into electrical energy. These technologies have been used to power sensors deployed in bridges, buildings, and industrial machinery, reducing the need for battery replacements and enabling real-time data monitoring.

Radio Frequency (RF) Energy Harvesting

Radio frequency energy is omnipresent, emitted by a multitude of sources such as Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones, and television broadcasts. RF energy harvesting involves capturing these signals and converting them into DC power.

RF energy harvesting is particularly suited for low-powered IoT devices like remote sensors and wearable devices. This technology not only eliminates the need for battery replacement but also enables the devices to be miniaturized, leading to more versatile applications.

Implications for IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

The integration of energy harvesting technologies and low-power IoT devices promises significant implications for the development and deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). By allowing sensors to be independently powered, a new wave of applications and data collection possibilities are opened up, particularly in remote or inaccessible locations.

Data Collection and Storage

With the elimination of regular battery replacement, sensors powered by energy harvesting technologies can collect data over more extended periods. This data can be used to provide comprehensive insights into the monitored environment, leading to more informed decision-making.

Moreover, developments in low-power data storage technology have made it possible to store large amounts of data directly on the devices, reducing the need for frequent data transmission and further conserving energy.

System Efficiency and Longevity

Energy harvesting technologies also contribute to the overall efficiency and longevity of the IoT system. By reducing the need for the grid power or finite batteries, the devices can operate for longer periods without maintenance. This ability is particularly beneficial for WSNs deployed in remote or hazardous locations where maintenance is difficult or impossible.

Expanding Applications

From smart homes and industrial automation to environmental monitoring and healthcare, the use of energy harvesting technologies in IoT devices is paving the way for a host of new applications. By allowing devices to be smaller, more mobile, and self-sustaining, sectors that were previously inaccessible are now ripe for IoT exploration.

Indeed, the future of IoT is bright, and as energy harvesting technologies continue to evolve and improve, we can expect to see a rise in the number of devices and applications that harness these innovative power sources. While the journey ahead is not without its challenges, the ingenuity and commitment of researchers and developers worldwide promise a future where IoT devices are not just smart but also sustainable.

Energy Harvesting Technologies: Cost Implications and Power Management Solutions

The increasing demand for low-power IoT devices in various sectors has drawn attention to the cost implications and power management solutions offered by energy harvesting technologies. These technologies are not just about powering devices; they are also about cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.


Energy harvesting technologies are a low-cost solution for powering IoT devices. Since these technologies utilize readily available energy sources, they cut down on the cost of electricity and battery replacements. The cost savings can be especially significant in large-scale IoT applications, such as industrial automation and city-wide sensor networks.

Moreover, the long lifespan of energy harvesters contributes to their cost-effectiveness. These devices can operate for years, even decades, without requiring maintenance or replacement. This long operational life reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) of IoT devices, making them a financially viable option for many organizations.

Power Management Solutions

Power management is a critical aspect of energy harvesting technologies. Given the intermittent nature of energy sources such as light, heat, and motion, it is essential to have a power management system that can ensure a stable power supply to the IoT device.

This is where energy storage comes into play. Energy storage systems, such as micro-supercapacitors and thin-film batteries, can store excess power produced by the energy harvester and deliver it when needed. This ensures that the IoT device can continue to operate even when the energy source is not available.

In addition, energy-aware algorithms can be employed to optimize power consumption, ensuring that the IoT device uses the harvested energy as efficiently as possible. Such algorithms can adjust the device’s operations based on the available power, prioritizing essential functions when the energy supply is low.

Conclusion: The Future of Energy Harvesting in IoT

In conclusion, energy harvesting technologies offer a promising solution to power the ever-growing number of low-power IoT devices. As the demand for these devices continues to rise, so does the need for sustainable and cost-effective power solutions.

Energy harvesting technologies not only provide an abundant power supply by leveraging readily available energy sources, but they also offer a low-cost and efficient power management solution. Whether it’s harnessing the power of ambient light with solar cells, converting temperature differences into power with thermoelectric generators, tapping into the kinetic energy of vibrations, or capturing radio frequency signals, the possibilities are truly endless.

However, the journey ahead is not without its challenges. There’s a need for further research and development to enhance the efficiency of energy harvesters, improve energy storage systems, and create more sophisticated power management algorithms.

As we look towards the future, one thing is clear: energy harvesting technologies hold the key to unlocking the full potential of IoT. By making IoT devices more sustainable, mobile, and adaptable, these technologies are paving the way for a new era of innovation. The future of IoT is not just smart, but also sustainable, and energy harvesting technologies are at the forefront of this revolution.